How does RMF help busy adults with young children?
RMF offers once-a-week training, flexible schedules based on your availability, as well as three types of training including online, in-person, and group training.
Whether it’s on-site at RMF, in your own home or at your gym, you decide where and when you want to train.
If you prefer the camaraderie and accountability of a group, RMF’s group training programs can inspire you to achieve your goals together.
What makes RMF different from other fitness options?
RMF sets itself apart with 100% personalized training, a focus on functional strength and conditioning, and an emphasis on progression and scientific training rather than trends and fads that don't produce results.
RMF’s MVP Performance pathway is a 4-step program that starts with:
Raising your baseline level of fitness with General Physical Preparedness (GPP),
Increasing your strength with Progression,
Enhancing your unique fitness profile with Specialization and
Holistically Optimizing your fitness so you can achieve mastery (instead of mere "weight loss" or "muscle gain")
Can RMF really help with stress management and work-life balance?
Yes, RMF trains your body to manage stress, helps you release stress during the workout, improves your sleep and recovery, and coaches you on how to translate the stress of training into the stress of work so you can be more present, energized, and up for any challenge.
Did you know?
High intensity exercise primes your body to handle mentally stressful situations by acclimating your physiological responses that mental stress. Your body actually reacts to physical exercise the same way it does to mental and emotional stress.
High intensity exercise takes the edge off of mental stress.
What are the specific fitness programs or activities offered at RMF?
RMF offers personal strength and conditioning training programs, boxing/kickboxing, and group fitness programs.
RMF also hosts corporate fitness and self defense seminars on request.
Private group training programs are also available.
Contact coach_rup@roninmonsterfactory.com to learn more.
How can I get started with RMF?
To get started, contact Coach Rupert Alfiler at coach_rup@roninmonsterfactory.com.
You'll need to answer some questions to establish your goals, timeline, and training schedule.
Then, choose one of RMF’s in-person or online training programs to start seeing results.
How can I reach out to RMF for further information or to start my fitness journey?
You can contact RMF through email at coach_rup@roninmonsterfactory.com
or text (571)234-7237.
You can also reach me through RMF's social media profiles on Instagram: @ronin_monster_factory
and on Facebook
@Ronin Monster Factory.
Further information is also available at linktr.ee/coach_rup_rmf.
​How Often to Train for the Best Result?
The intensity, frequency and type of your training will vary depending on the goals you set in the beginning of your journey.
I will help you map this all out so that it becomes crystal clear!
Reference Blogs:
Rest, Recovery and Relaxation: The Real Secret to Progress in Training
Portable Workouts: How to Survive on the Road Without the Comfort of Your Ronin Monster Factory
A Strategy for Consistency in Training
How to Deal with Muscle Aches?
Coach Rup does not believe in the “No Pain No Gain” mantra.
Expect a little discomfort during training and in the days following your training. This is natural, and will lessen as you gain experience.
That being said, pain is something you should never ignore because it is your body's way of getting your attention.
If you experience pain, ask yourself:
-Is it an injury?
-What activity, movement or action immediately precedes the pain?
-Is it a sharp, dull, sore, localized, or radiating pain?
For more detailed information, check out the RoninMonsterFactory.com blogs below
Reference Blogs:
Rest, Recovery and Relaxation: The Real Secret to Progress in Training
How to Maximize Results at Home?
Each program is individualized, which means that your schedule, progress, and rest will depend on what you want to achieve, what you are capable of, and what your lifestyle allows.
When you start a goal-specific program, you will have tasks every day. Whether doing a recovery session or a training session, each activity moves you closer to your goal.
Consistency is the most important aspect of your training. For more detailed information, check out the RoninMonsterFactory.com blogs below
Reference Blogs:
Rest, Recovery and Relaxation: The Real Secret to Progress in Training
Portable Workouts: How to Survive on the Road Without the Comfort of Your Ronin Monster Factory
A Strategy for Consistency in Training
What is Ronin?
A Ronin is a warrior with no limits, no constraints; unafraid of the difficulty presented by the task at hand.
In life, we are faced daily with small battles. We all have this warrior within us, but it takes a lot of digging, grinding and polishing to bring forth the best version of ourselves.
As a warrior, you train to meet any task at hand with single-minded focus. All battles are won in the mind; and the body must be strong in order for the mind to be strong.
Lack of confidence, inexperience, stress, the weight of our responsibilities, the hard choices we make between taking care of ourselves vs taking care of others... These are the reality of living the way of the warrior.
In order to be warriors without masters, we need to master ourselves. Only when we are healthy physically, mentally and spiritually can help others. This is the ultimate goal: to bring about a better world, starting with ourselves.
It's not about fighting in the literal sense, but in that we meet the conflict that life puts in our path with confidence because we know that nothing can be more difficult than what we go through during training.